In most cases a customer pays with cash that they have saved, or they use traditional options like a home equity loan or their 401K plan. This is a smooth transaction for me. However, I am now working with a customer who is using a different type of loan.
This loan required an initial inspection from a bank consultant whose report also mandated code upgrades that normally would be grandfathered in. For instance, it required repairing siding, gutters, and roof despite the fact that none of these items were needed for a kitchen and bath remodel.
This loan also stipulated payment after the completion of stages of the project. Due to the technical nature of the bank’s request I have been heavily involved with bank documents. I am estimating that I have spent over 10 hours working with the customer just on these issues.
I believe that most contractors would not go this extra length for a customer, but I know that providing such services is a win/win situation. Owning my own business allows me to provide a higher level of service for my clients.
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