A homeowner was adding a new patio and new stoop to his home. The concrete contractor came out and inspected the job and reported to the owner that the rim joist under the door was rotted. He said that it needed to be repaired before he could correctly pour his job. The owner contacted me and I did the repair, which is shown below. Many concrete contractors would have poured the job without telling the owner. However, once the job was poured the only way to fix the rim joist and sill plate would have been to rip out the newly poured contractor. The concrete contractor could have made his money by pouring the job and leaving. However, he was an honest guy who did right by the customer. Below you can see the repair that I did.
Here you can see the new sill plate in position. The rest of the job was completed and the honest concrete contractor completed his pour. If he would have ignored the problem the owner would have to deal with water seeping into his house.