I am doing a kitchen remodel in Woodridge. The owner already had his bathroom done by another company about 6 months earlier. The spout on the tub was very wobbly and he asked me to look at it.
I was shocked to see how amateurish the work was. The other construction company used quick connectors to attach the tub’s water supply to a new shower valve. They then tried to stabilize the spout using wood shims. Even in a DIY project, this would not be acceptable as it resulted in a wobbly bathtub spout.
Instead of calling back the original company he asked me to take a look at the problem. I isolated the problem and stabilized the spout.
It is important to remember that all remodelers are not equal. You may get a low bid, but you may also get low quality work. The other company seemed to be interested in getting the job done as quickly as possible. This resulted in a very poor job.
If you would like to have me give you a free estimate on any home remodel, give me a call. You can learn more about Gizmo Home Craft by clicking here.