I have been doing construction-type work since the early 1990s in a variety of capacities. My first business was a deck building business where I had to dig holes, move dirt, pour concrete, and lift truckloads of lumber. Over time I increased my skills and became...
A very common question that I get is, “How do you patch a hole in drywall.” This process can be somewhat tedious, but a careful DIYer can accomplish it with a little effort. See the photos below for step-by-step directions. This customer had a leak...
A customer wanted us to convert a baseboard heating vent into a floor vent. No problem, I said. See the photos below. The original baseboard heating vent. Crimping new ductwork. Duct ready to accept boot. Floor boot added. All...
Most kitchens have at least one outside wall which needs to be insulated. In many kitchen the standard has always been to use fiberglass batts, which give a R15 insulation value (the higher the R the better). Naturally, this is an imperfect solution, but it is cheap...
An oak’s life is normally from 150-300 years. Trees don’t live forever and they eventually die; most of them become mulch or firewood unless they are specifically harvested to be used for lumber. This seems to be a waste, as many local trees are beautiful...
My 13 year old son is an avid guitar player, and I wanted him to have a place to display some of his classic guitars. I decided to create a shiplap wall for that purpose. You can buy shiplap, but I made my own because I wanted one out of oak. My friend, Mike and I...